Friday, November 4, 2011

Excerpts from VBS 2011

Oh, it is too difficult to write.... tried to harness the thoughts in sentences for quite sometime... Now I understand the importance of 'Practice' in life's any area. Its been ages I believe, I've written anything, so just to give a go without any scrutiny or re-phrasing I am writing whatever comes on mind... sorry if you see distractions here.

This Diwali Vacation, I requested at my church to give me some responsibilities at VBS as I wanted to be with children and share some Godly insights with them.. and oh boy what a time that was! Thanking God for that. Few excerpts from those 3 chapel messages in the morning I am sharing here with you.

1) God as Father:

I myself a father of 2 year, am not able to comprehend the joy I've when I play hide-and-seek with my daughter and when I am willfully caught by her. Or even when I deliberately run slow in order to get caught by her. I could easily resemble God's feeling - where he asks us to seek Him, He gets overjoyed when we found Him. Now the well-known prodigal son parable gave me a whole new dimension and now I was able to understand why the father was so excited. His son was found back. Even the verse that says, when one sinner accepts Jesus as savior, there are celebrations out there in heaven. I did not celebrate and we did not celebrate - because it is Father who has more joy then ours when we heads back to our home. I pick this perspective of Jesus from Philip Yancey's 'Jesus, I never knew'. I will add few more coaches to this train of thoughts later on.

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